
Programming language: TypeScript
License: MIT License


Vanilla SWR

stale-while-revalidate caching strategy for vanilla web-apps

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npm install vanilla-swr



yarn add vanilla-swr

Quick Start:

import SWR from 'vanilla-swr'

const fetcher = (...args) => fetch(...args).then(res => res.json())

const observable = SWR('/api/data', fetcher)

// Add a watcher to start fetching data
const watcher = observable.watch(({data, error}) => {
// data - data for given key resolved by fetcher
// error - error thrown by fetcher

// Remove watcher when not needed


import SWR, {Key, Fetcher, SWRConfiguration, SWRObservable, SWRWatcher} from 'vanilla-swr'
const observable: SWRObservable = SWR(key: Key, fetcher: Fetcher, options: SWRConfiguration)
// Add watcher
const watcher: SWRWatcher = observable.watch(({data, error, isValidating}: SWRResponse) => {
  // callback called initially and on value update
// Remove watcher


  • key: a unique key string for the request (or a function / array ). (details)
  • fetcher: a Promise returning function to fetch your data
  • options: (optional) an object of options for this SWR


  • watch: receives a callback that is called with resolved value or rejected error of fetcher. Returns Watcher.

Multiple watchers can be added to same observable.


  • unwatch: removes the watcher from the observable.


  • data: data for the given key resolved by fetcher (or undefined if not loaded)
  • error: error thrown by fetcher (or undefined)
  • isValidating: if there's a request or revalidation loading


  • fallbackData: initial data to be returned.
  • revalidateOnWatch (default = true): automatic revalidation when new watcher is added
  • revalidateOnFocus (default = true): automatic revalidation when window gets focused
  • revalidateOnReconnect (default = true): automatic revalidation when browser regains network connection
  • dedupingInterval (default = 2000): dedupe requests from the same key in this time span
  • shouldRetryOnError (default = true): retry when fetcher has an error
  • errorRetryInterval (default = 5000): error retry interval
  • errorRetryCount (default = 5): max error retry count
  • refreshInterval (default = 0): polling interval. Provide a positive integer value. Disabled by default
  • refreshWhenHidden (default = false): polling when the window is invisible (if refreshInterval is enabled)
  • refreshWhenOffline (default = false): polling when browser is offline (if refreshInterval is enabled)
  • onSuccess(data, key, config): callback function when a request finishes successfully
  • onError(error, key, config): callback function when a request returns an error
  • onErrorRetry(error, key, config, revalidate, revalidateOps): handler for error retry. (details)
    • data: data resolved by fetcher
    • error: error thrown by fetcher
    • key: string value used to make the request
    • config: same as SWRConfiguration. Readonly.
    • revalidate: function used to revalidate the data. Consumer should call this function to in
    • revalidateOpts: object containing retryCount.
  • compare(a, b): Comparison function used to detect when the resolved data has changed.


By default, key will be passed to fetcher as the argument. So the following 3 expressions are equivalent:

SWR('/api/data', () => fetch('/api/data'))
SWR('/api/data', url => fetch(url))
SWR('/api/data', fetch)

Multiple arguments:

In some scenarios, it's useful to pass multiple arguments (can be any value or object) to the fetcher function. For example an authorized fetch request:

SWR('/api/data', url => fetchWithToken(url, token))

This is incorrect. If token changes, SWR will still use the same key and return the wrong data.

Instead, you can use an array as the key parameter, which contains multiple arguments of fetcher:

SWR(['/api/data', token], fetchWithToken)

The function fetchWithToken still accepts the same 2 arguments, but the cache key will also be associated with token now.

Runtime arguments:

In some scenarios, the key may not be known while initializing SWR or may change at later point in time. You can use function as a key parameter, which returns a string, an array or null. If the returned value is null the fetcher won't be executed.

SWR(() => {
  if (token) {
    return ['/api/data', token]
  return null
}, fetchWithToken)

Error Retry:

SWR uses the exponential backoff algorithm to retry the request on error. The algorithm allows the app to recover from errors quickly, but not waste resources retrying too often.

You can also override this behavior via the onErrorRetry option:

const observable = SWR('/api/data', fetcher, {
  onErrorRetry: (error, key, config, revalidate, { retryCount }) => {
    // Never retry on 404.
    if (error.status === 404) return

    // Never retry for a specific key.
    if (key === '/api/user') return

    // Only retry up to 10 times.
    if (retryCount >= 10) return

    // Retry after 5 seconds.
    setTimeout(() => revalidate({ retryCount }), 5000)