dc.js v2.1.2 Release Notes

    • Lift elasticRadius from bubbleChart to bubbleMixin, making it available to bubbleOverlay (#661) Stop using group.top() in favor of group.all() sorting and slicing. (#934)
    • Eliminate use of group.top() in cap mixin, by Macy Abbey (#1184). It already had to agree with chart.ordering() for the results to make sense.
    • Eliminate group.top() in number display. This one is more problematic but probably less common. Although the number display now defaults ordering to function (kv) { return kv.value; }, applications which use a group with multiple bins with the number display, which were using group.order() to specify which bin should be displayed, must now specify numberDisplay.ordering() instead.
    • Eliminate group.top() in bubble mixin, which was used to draw the bubbles in descending order of size, when the group.order() specified the radius. The bubble chart's sortBubbleSize is more general and is lifted to the mixin.