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Browser libraries

Showing projects tagged as JavaScript, TypeScript, and Browser

  • Primate

    1.6 9.8 JavaScript
    Polymorphic development platform
  • DIOD

    1.5 3.5 TypeScript
    A very opinionated inversion of control (IoC) container and dependency injector for Typescript, Node.js or browser apps.
  • Xeito

    0.9 7.5 TypeScript
    🤞 Xeito is a framework for building interactive web applications with Typescript and Tagged Template Literals.
  • nozaki-colors

    0.4 0.0 JavaScript
    Another node cli colors module. Done simply and with native syntax. It's ment to make sense to engineers, not script kiddies.
  • #<Sawyer::Resource:0x00007f31d4bc3650>

    0.3 1.3 TypeScript
    No description, website, or topics provided.