Polymer v0.4.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-08-28 // almost 10 years ago
  • Implemented enhancements:

    • 👉 Use the John Resig inheritance to define the component prototype #647

    • 👍 on-* expression support #446

    • ➕ add component-laid-out lifecycle callback #434

    • 👍 Allow creating <polymer-element>s without Shadow DOM #222

    • 👍 Consider adding support for loading user selectable css resources per element #219

    • Provide a provide a way to instantiate the template directly into the element #157

    • Consider deserializing to Date from attributes, if property is Date-valued #119

    🛠 Fixed bugs:

    • polymer-body double fire ready/created/attached #447

    • 💅 Polymer's controller-styles system doesn't work well with ShadowDOMPolyfill #224

    • Globals clobbering other globals #185

    • bind boilerplate base is inflexible #179

    Closed issues:

    • Possible shared state on core elements. #731

    • paper-input element doesn't show keyboard on Firefox OS 2.0 #727

    • designerr on polymer page lacks demo'd functioniality from youtube quickstart. #726

    • 👍 PhantomJS Support #724

    • 🌐 http://www.polymer-project.org/platform/web-animations.html #721

    • Polymer site appears broken on Safari 8 #719

    • Non ASCII strings set in JavaScript show up as ? in Firefox #717

    • Materials page in Polymer is not rendering correctly #716

    • Polymer elements not rendering in Android 4.1.2 and 4.2.1. Works on 4.4.2 #714

    • 📦 Bower private packages & stats #711

    • Step-4 of tutorial code for post-card Polymer prototype does not use element name #710

    • Polymer does absolutely nothing if you have an "undeclared" element #709

    • Syntax error in example bower.json #707

    • Semver not being followed correctly #704

    • Safari bug when rendering a table using nested loops #700

    • Clicking on Paper Tab execute twice #696

    • div with tool attribute does not allow flex for div within #695

    • it keeps resetting #694

    • 🖐 Handlers disappearing when you hide the template #690

    • on-change event triggered twice #687

    • Consider making core-component-page a devDependency #683

    • custom nodes within svg aren't created #681

    • App not rendering on IE and Firefox #668

    • 🌐 Clarification on the modularity of Polymer within external web component scripts: Is Polymer designed in a way to export it as a (commonjs) module? #666

    • 📦 Future Support for Installing Polymer through Chocolatey package manager #657

    • RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. On Safari 7.0.5 #656

    • 💅 transform-style: preserve-3d causing odd stutter on hover of custom element #652

    • fire should only check for null and undefined. #646

    • 'target' field in 'event' argument passed into callback function for click/pointer events refers to first element instantiated #641

    • document.querySelectorAll sluggish on Firefox (v30) for large DOM #629

    • 🌲 TemplateBinding should warn/console log about using bind with references. #615

    • platform fails to load #606

    • Can't keyboard nav around a custom element in a div that has contenteditable="true" #601

    • Polymer doesn't appear to work at all under iOS 8 beta 2 #591

    • Resources not loading in http://www.polymer-project.org/tools/designer/ #585

    • Unable to extend iframe #580

    • Custom element that performs dynamic HTML Import gets corrupted offsetWidth when used inside <template> #554

    • Wrap as UMD - Do not force window global #534

    • 💅 Difference in inherited styles between Chrome & other browsers #531

    • Problem during bower install #529

    • ➕ Adding method childrenChanged crashes Firefox/Safari #528

    • fire and asyncFire need return values #527

    • Errors in Safari 7 with Polymer 0.3.1 #523

    • Polymer not working in elementary OS #520

    • Two way binding with Html attribute #519

    • Polyfills crashing jsbin #517

    • Polymer breaks dependency resolution with query strings #513

    • binding to a builtin name fails cryptically #510

    • Content of nested template is empty #500

    • Extending Vanilla JS Custom Element with polymer-element #496

    • 💅 Trouble in latest Canary reading styles in attached handler of imported element #493

    • 👍 Keyboard Support #473

    • HTML Imports polyfill is missing the .import property #471

    • Pseudo-classes in <content> select attribute #470

    • Using a keyword in attribute name causes error in IE11 #466

    • Error - Uncaught Possible attempt to load Polymer twice #464

    • Get full list of polymer-elements. #460

    • document.registerElement raises error "Options missing required prototype property" #455

    • ⚡️ Exception when updating inner child element attributes from an object property in a repeat #454

    • Double quotes don't work in polyfill-next-selector content #453

    • title attribute cause issue in firefox #451

    • template bind="x as y" doesn't work on safari #450

    • Generating an observe block in created or ready doesn't bind #448

    • 💻 <polymer-ui-accordion> doesn't always work with Shadow DOM polyfill #444

    • Polymer breaks instanceof for native elements. #424

    • ➕ Add @license tag #413

    • Can't turn body into custom element via is="..." #409

    • bindProperties logger call refers to nonexistent variables #406

    • Polymer fails to render elements when query string contains a slash #401

    • Using native CustomElements and ShadowDOM polyfill together may cause unwanted attached/detached callbacks being called #399

    • ⬆️ Variable picked by constructor attribute is set after upgrade events. #398

    • 👻 Exception when invoking super from ready when the node is created by <template repeat> #397

    • automatic node finding within a template-if #387

    • 🏗 Challenges of building a menu system in Polymer #382

    • XSS Vulnerability #375

    • 👻 Publishing an attribute named 'disabled' generates exception in IE10 #372

    • template if expression, trailing blanks should be ignored #370

    • 🖨 processing bindings in a specific order #368

    • AngularJS incompatibility: need to unwrap elements when jqLite.data() is used #363

    • Polymer makes getScreenCTM() crash #351

    • Sorting an array can result in an *Changed method firing #350

    • Reentrancy question: reflectPropertyToAttribute can trigger unwanted attributedChanged effects #349

    • ShadowDOMPolyfill is way, way too intrusive! #346

    • Separate out platform.js from polymer core #344

    • Attribute values should be copied to property values before created #342

    • custom event handler matching is case sensitive #340

    • Fragments in links get rewritten to point to directory of import #339

    • ➕ Address polymer-elements that take child elements #337

    • Declarative event discovery on custom elements #336

    • ✅ test-button element class with extends="button" can't be instantiated with <test-button> syntax #334

    • Page rendering issue - navigation #333

    • Cannot modify a template's contents while it is stamping #330

    • 📦 Publish sub-projects on npm, add them to package.json. #326

    • stack: "TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'getAttr #325

    • 👌 Support angular/django style filters #323

    • createElement-wrapped <img> throws TypeError on <canvas> drawImage #316

    • Databinding breaks after removing and reattaching an element to the DOM #311

    • 🚚 Ensure {{}} are removed after binding #304

    • Getting started instructions incomplete: no polymer.min.js #300

    • Site is not showing properly in IE11 #299

    • Prevent event bubbling in polyfill #296

    • Prevent duplicate ID's in polyfill #295

    • ✂ remove use of deprecated cancelBubble? #292

    • Polymer throws error in Canary when registering an element via import #290

    • Type Convert Error when work with canvas #288

    • DOM Spec Input - Virtual MutationRecords #281

    • 👍 polymer animation not support ios #279

    • Event.cancelBubble cannot be used for stopping event propagation in Polymer #275

    • 💅 Consider removing controllerStyles and requiring explicitly adding stylesheets #272

    • 🐎 Write up suggestions on dealing with performance #269

    • 👌 improve on-* delegation by introducing control for Polymer-bubbling (as distinct from DOM bubbling) #259

    • ⬆️ Consider issuing a warning when a polymer-element's shadowRoot contains un-upgraded custom elements #258

    • on-tap doesn't fire all the time that on-click does #255

    • 📦 Chrome Packaged App: including the UI elements is not convenient #248

    • 💻 Polymer doesn't work on Iceweasel web browser #247

    • It's confusing that you need to nest a <template repeat> inside an outermost <template>. #245

    • http://www.polymer-project.org/tooling-strategy.html is a bit spare #244

    • 📚 documentation for attributeChanged is wrong #242

    • Using scoped models impacts 2-way property binding #220

    • 👀 loader seems to fail at random, but frequently when serving from localhost #218

    • 👯 Cloned attributes should not override user attributes in markup #190

    • Sugaring dynamics in ShadowDOM #176

    • Asynchronous attribute declaration #160

    • Consider adding broadcast #145

    • 🐎 explore performance impact of import-order of components #108

    • title attribute #97

    • Write doc about attributes and type inference when applying to properties #93

    • Confusing cancelBubble #74