ractive v0.3.7 Release Notes

  • 2013-10-06

    • Adaptors - use external libraries like Backbone seamlessly with Ractive
    • Dependency tracking within functions, by monitoring ractive.get())
    • ✅ Create live nodelists with the findAll() method
    • ⚡️ Observers are guaranteed to fire before DOM updates, unless {defer:true} is passed as an option to ractive.observe()
    • Triples behave correctly inside table elements etc (issue #167)
    • Delimiters ('{{' and '}}') can be overridden globally with Ractive.delimiters and Ractive.tripleDelimiters
    • 🛠 Fix #130 (event handler parameters and array modification)
    • Tap event respects spacebar keypresses while a suitable element is focused
    • ⚡️ updateModel() method to resync two-way bindings if they are manipulated external (e.g. $(input).val(newValue))
    • 👍 Better handling of HTML entities
    • Expressions with unresolved references will still render, using undefined in place of unknown references
    • 👀 Hover event fires on the equivalent of mouseenter/mouseleave rather than mouseover/mouseout
    • 🛠 Various bugfixes and stability/performance improvements