Tabulator v4.1.5 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-01-06 // over 5 years ago
    • the _ rowSelectionChanged _ event is now only fired once when multiple rows are selected or deselected at once
    • an uncaught promise exception on the _ setPage _ function has been fixed
    • an uncaught promise exception on the _ loadData _ function has been fixed
    • an empty URL can now be passed to the _ ajaxURL _ property and will present a console warning instead of erroring
    • if ajaxURL is not set when pagination is set to "remote" an empty table will be loaded on initialisation instead of an error
    • old header elements are correctly disposed of when replaced with new elements
    • the formatter _ onRendered _ function is now correctly called when row data is updated
    • null values returned from formatters no longer create a console warning
    • fixed regression with _ ajaxLoaderLoading _ option, it once again accepts HTML strings to be passed in for the elements contents
    • row group headers now remain full width when all headers are collapsed by user in classic render mode
    • data can no longer be set on columns without a field defined
    • correct column is passed to the _ columnResized _ callback when the left hand resize handle is used
    • the classes specified in the _ cssClass _ column definition option are now also applied to column calculation cells in the same column
    • the _ textarea _ formatter now correctly handles null values