Animations libraries

Showing projects tagged as Animations

  • animate.css

    9.9 2.7 CSS
    🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
  • anime.js

    9.8 4.7 L3 JavaScript
    JavaScript animation engine
  • PixiJS

    9.7 9.8 TypeScript
    The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
  • particles.js

    9.5 0.0 JavaScript
    A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
  • GreenSock-JS

    8.9 2.7 L1 JavaScript
    GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform), a JavaScript animation library for the modern web
  • Mo.js

    8.8 8.4 CoffeeScript
    The motion graphics toolbelt for the web
  • velocity

    8.8 0.0 L1 JavaScript
    Accelerated JavaScript animation.
  • Effeckt.css

    8.4 0.0 CSS
    DISCONTINUED. A Performant Transitions and Animations Library
  • Konva

    8.0 8.4 L2 TypeScript
    Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
  • AutoAnimate

    7.9 5.8 TypeScript
    A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. You can use it with React, Vue, or any other JavaScript application.
  • barbajs

    7.8 8.7 TypeScript
    Create badass, fluid and smooth transitions between your website’s pages
  • jquery.transit

    7.2 0.0 L2 JavaScript
    Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
  • tsParticles

    7.2 9.2 TypeScript
    tsParticles - Easily create highly customizable JavaScript particles effects, confetti explosions and fireworks animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available for React.js, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Inferno, Solid, Riot and Web Components.
  • Dynamic.js

    7.0 0.0 CoffeeScript
    Javascript library to create physics-based animations
  • bounce.js

    6.7 0.0 CSS
    Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time.
  • move.js

    6.3 0.0 L4 JavaScript
    CSS3 backed JavaScript animation framework
  • textillate

    6.0 0.0 L5 JavaScript
    A jquery plugin for CSS3 text animations.
  • smoothState.js

    6.0 0.0 CSS
    Unobtrusive page transitions with jQuery.
  • animatable

    5.5 0.0 HTML
    One property, two values, endless possiblities
  • Vizzu

    4.1 9.8 JavaScript
    Library for animated data visualizations and data stories.
  • typicaljs

    3.8 0.0 JavaScript
    Animated typing in ~400 bytes 🐡 of JavaScript
  • Odoo

    3.2 0.0 L5 JavaScript
    Javascript and SVG odometer effect library with motion blur
  • particles-bg

    3.0 0.0 JavaScript
    React particles animation background component
  • motus

    2.8 0.0 JavaScript
    Animation library that mimics CSS keyframes when scrolling.
  • Suave UI 0.3.1

    2.3 0.0 CSS
    UI Framework for AngularJS
  • Scrawl-canvas Library

    2.2 9.4 JavaScript
    Responsive, interactive and more accessible HTML5 canvas elements. Scrawl-canvas is a JavaScript library designed to make using the HTML5 canvas element easier, and more fun
  • shuffle-images

    2.1 0.0 L4 JavaScript
    The Simplest Way to shuffle through images in a Creative Way
  • AniX

    2.0 0.0 JavaScript
    🐿 Super easy and lightweight(<3kb) JavaScript animation library
  • Scroll Btween

    1.6 2.4 HTML
    ScrollBtween uses scroll position of document - or any DOM element - to tween CSS values on any DOM element.
  • liquidity.js

    1.4 0.0 L2 JavaScript
    Data visualization library for depicting quantities as animated liquid blobs