Monaco Editor v0.24.0 Release Notes

    • ➕ added a setting domReadOnly which controls if the <textarea> used for editor input should have the DOM readonly attribute
    • ➕ added a setting useShadowDOM which can be set to false to prevent the editor from using shadow DOM in its implementation (e.g. for the contextmenus).
    • ➕ added a settings autoClosingDelete that controls how backspace works inside auto-closing pairs.
    • ➕ added DiagnosticsOptions.onlyVisible for TypeScript which limits the computation of diagnostics to only visible text models.
    • 🛠 fixed issue where the editor would not load in Safari 13.

    💥 Breaking changes

    • EditorAutoClosingOvertypeStrategy has been renamed to EditorAutoClosingEditStrategy

    Thank you

    Contributions to monaco-editor:

    🔌 Contributions to monaco-editor-webpack-plugin:

    Contributions to monaco-languages:

    Contributions to monaco-typescript: