Cesium v1.60 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-08-01 // almost 5 years ago
  • ➕ Additions :tada:
    • Reworked label rendering to use signed distance fields (SDF) for crisper text. #7730
    • ➕ Added a new Sandcastle example to showcase the new SDF labels.
    • ➕ Added support for polygon holes to CZML. #7991
    • ➕ Added totalScale property to Label which is the total scale of the label taking into account the label's scale and the relative size of the desired font compared to the generated glyph size.
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed crash when using ArcGIS terrain with clipping planes. #7998
    • PolygonGraphics.hierarchy now converts constant array values to a PolygonHierarchy when set, so code that accesses the value of the property can rely on it always being a PolygonHierarchy.
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug with lengthwise texture coordinates in the first segment of ground polylines, as observed in some WebGL implementations such as Chrome on Linux. #8017