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541 days ago

Changelog History
Page 6

  • v1.59 Changes

    July 01, 2019
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Adds ArcGISTiledElevationTerrainProvider to support LERC encoded terrain from ArcGIS ImageServer. #7940
    • ➕ Added CZML support for heightReference to box, cylinder, and ellipsoid, and added CZML support for classificationType to corridor, ellipse, polygon, polyline, and rectangle. #7899
    • ➕ Adds exportKML function to export Entity instances with Point, Billboard, Model, Label, Polyline and Polygon graphics. #7921
    • ➕ Added support for new Mapbox Style API. #7698
    • Added support for the AGI_articulations vendor extension of glTF 2.0 to the Entity API and CZML. #7907
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that caused missing segments for ground polylines with coplanar points over large distances and problems with polylines containing duplicate points. #7885
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where billboards were not pickable when zoomed out completely in 2D View. #7908
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where image requests that returned HTTP code 204 would prevent any future request from succeeding on browsers that supported ImageBitmap. #7914
    • 🛠 Fixed polyline colors when scene.highDynamicRange is enabled. #7924
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug in the inspector where the min/max height values of a picked tile were undefined. #7904
    • 🛠 Fixed Math.factorial to return the correct values. (
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that caused 3D models to appear darker on Android devices. #7944
  • v1.58.1 Changes

    June 03, 2018

    🚀 This is an npm-only release to fix a publishing issue.

  • v1.58 Changes

    June 03, 2019
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • Added support for new BingMapsStyle values ROAD_ON_DEMAND and AERIAL_WITH_LABELS_ON_DEMAND. The older versions of these, ROAD and AERIAL_WITH_LABELS, have been deprecated by Bing. #7808
    • ➕ Added syntax to delete data from existing properties via CZML. #7818
    • ➕ Added checkerboard material to CZML. #7845
    • 0️⃣ BingMapsImageryProvider now uses DiscardEmptyTileImagePolicy by default to detect missing tiles as zero-length responses instead of inspecting pixel values. #7810
    • Added support for the AGI_articulations vendor extension of glTF 2.0 to the Model primitive graphics API. #7835
    • ⬇️ Reduce the number of Bing transactions and ion Bing sessions used when destroying and recreating the same imagery layer to 1. #7848
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed an edge case where Cesium would provide ion access token credentials to non-ion servers if the actual asset entrypoint was being hosted by ion. #7839
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that caused Cesium to request non-existent tiles for terrain tilesets lacking tile availability, i.e. a layer.json file.
    • Fixed memory leak when removing entities that had a HeightReference of CLAMP_TO_GROUND or RELATIVE_TO_GROUND. This includes when removing a DataSource.
    • 🛠 Fixed 3D Tiles credits not being shown in the data attribution box. #7877
  • v1.57 Changes

    May 01, 2019
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • 👌 Improved 3D Tiles streaming performance, resulting in ~67% camera tour load time reduction, ~44% camera tour load count reduction. And for general camera movement, ~20% load time reduction with ~27% tile load count reduction. Tile load priority changed to focus on loading tiles in the center of the screen first. Added the following tileset optimizations, which unless stated otherwise are enabled by default. #7774
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.cullRequestsWhileMoving option to ignore requests for tiles that will likely be out-of-view due to the camera's movement when they come back from the server.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.cullRequestsWhileMovingMultiplier option to act as a multiplier when used in culling requests while moving. Larger is more aggressive culling, smaller less aggressive culling.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.preloadFlightDestinations option to preload tiles at the camera's flight destination while the camera is in flight.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.preferLeaves option to prefer loading of leaves. Good for additive refinement point clouds. Set to false by default.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.progressiveResolutionHeightFraction option to load tiles at a smaller resolution first. This can help get a quick layer of tiles down while full resolution tiles continue to load.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.foveatedScreenSpaceError option to prioritize loading tiles in the center of the screen.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.foveatedConeSize option to control the cone size that determines which tiles are deferred for loading. Tiles outside the cone are potentially deferred.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.foveatedMinimumScreenSpaceErrorRelaxation option to control the starting screen space error relaxation for tiles outside the foveated cone.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.foveatedInterpolationCallback option to control how screen space error threshold is interpolated for tiles outside the foveated cone.
      • Added Cesium3DTileset.foveatedTimeDelay option to control how long in seconds to wait after the camera stops moving before deferred tiles start loading in.
    • ➕ Added new parameter to PolylineGlowMaterial called taperPower, that works similar to the existing glowPower parameter, to taper the back of the line away. #7626
    • ➕ Added Cesium3DTileset.preloadWhenHidden tileset option to preload tiles when is false. Loads tiles as if the tileset is visible but does not render them. #7774
    • Added support for the KHR_texture_transform glTF extension. #7549
    • ➕ Added functions to remove samples from SampledProperty and SampledPositionProperty. #7723
    • ➕ Added support for color-to-alpha with a threshold on imagery layers. #7727
    • ➕ Add CZML processing for heightReference and extrudedHeightReference for geoemtry types that support it.
    • 📚 CesiumMath.toSNorm documentation changed to reflect the function's implementation. #7774
    • ➕ Added CesiumMath.normalize to convert a scalar value in an arbitrary range to a scalar in the range [0.0, 1.0]. #7774
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed an error when loading the same glTF model in two separate viewers. #7688
    • 🛠 Fixed an error where clampToHeightMostDetailed or sampleHeightMostDetailed would crash if entities were created when the promise resolved. #7690
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue with compositing merged entity availability. #7717
    • 🛠 Fixed an error where many imagery layers within a single tile would cause parts of the tile to render as black on some platforms. #7649
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that could cause terrain with a single, global root tile (e.g. that uses WebMercatorTilingScheme) to be culled unexpectedly in some views. #7702
    • 🛠 Fixed a problem where instanced 3D models were incorrectly lit when using physically based materials. #7775
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where glTF models with certain blend modes were rendered incorrectly in browsers that support ImageBitmap. #7795
  • v1.56.1 Changes

    April 02, 2019
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • 🚚 Resource.fetchImage now takes a preferImageBitmap option to use createImageBitmap when supported to move image decode off the main thread. This option defaults to false.
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • The following breaking changes are relative to 1.56. The Resource.fetchImage behavior is now identical to 1.55 and earlier.
      • Changed Resource.fetchImage back to return an Image by default, instead of an ImageBitmap when supported. Note that an ImageBitmap cannot be flipped during texture upload. Instead, set flipY : true during fetch to flip it.
      • Changed the default flipY option in Resource.fetchImage to false. This only has an effect when ImageBitmap is used.
  • v1.56 Changes

    April 01, 2019
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • 👍 Resource.fetchImage now returns an ImageBitmap instead of Image when supported. This allows for decoding images while fetching using createImageBitmap to greatly speed up texture upload and decrease frame drops when loading models with large textures. #7579
    • 💅 now has an empty Object as its default value, instead of undefined. #7567
    • Scene.clampToHeight now takes an optional width argument before the result argument. #7693
    • 🚚 In the Resource class, addQueryParameters and addTemplateValues have been removed. Please use setQueryParameters and setTemplateValues instead. #7695
    Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • Resource.fetchImage now takes an options object. Use resource.fetchImage({ preferBlob: true }) instead of resource.fetchImage(true). The previous function definition will no longer work in 1.57. #7579
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added support for touch and hold gesture. The touch and hold delay can be customized by updating ScreenSpaceEventHandler.touchHoldDelayMilliseconds. #7286
    • 💻 Resource.fetchImage now has a flipY option to vertically flip an image during fetch & decode. It is only valid when ImageBitmapOptions is supported by the browser. #7579
    • ➕ Added backFaceCulling and normalShading options to PointCloudShading. Both options are only applicable for point clouds containing normals. #7399
    • 💅 reacts to updates and represents the current state of the style. #7567
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • Fixed the value for BlendFunction.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR. #7624
    • 🛠 Fixed HeadingPitchRoll.pitch being NaN when using .fromQuaternion due to a rounding error for pitches close to +/- 90°. #7654
    • 🛠 Fixed a type of crash caused by the camera being rotated through terrain. #6783
    • 🛠 Fixed an error in Resource when used with template replacements using numeric keys. #7668
    • 🛠 Fixed an error in Cesium3DTilePointFeature where anchorLineColor used the same color instance instead of cloning the color #7686
  • v1.55 Changes

    March 01, 2019
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • czm_materialInput.slope is now an angle in radians between 0 and pi/2 (flat to vertical), rather than a projected length 1 to 0 (flat to vertical).
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ⚡️ Updated terrain and imagery rendering, resulting in terrain/imagery loading ~33% faster and using ~33% less data #7061
    • czm_materialInput.aspect was added as an angle in radians between 0 and 2pi (east, north, west to south).
    • ➕ Added CZML arcType support for polyline and polygon, which supersedes followSurface. followSurface is still supported for compatibility with existing documents. #7582
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where models would cause a crash on load if some primitives were Draco encoded and others were not. #7383
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where RTL labels not reversing correctly non alphabetic characters #7501
    • 🛠 Fixed Node.js support for the Resource class and any functionality using it internally.
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where some ground polygons crossing the Prime Meridian would have incorrect bounding rectangles. #7533
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where polygons on terrain using rhumb lines where being rendered incorrectly. #7538
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue with EllipsoidRhumbLines.findIntersectionWithLongitude when longitude was IDL. #7551
    • 🛠 Fixed model silhouette colors when rendering with high dynamic range. #7563
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue with ground polylines on globes that use ellipsoids other than WGS84. #7552
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where Draco compressed models with RGB per-vertex color would not load in Cesium. #7576
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where the outline geometry for extruded Polygons didn't calculate the correct indices. #7599
  • v1.54 Changes

    February 01, 2019
    Highlights :sparkler:
    • ➕ Added support for polylines and textured entities on 3D Tiles. #7437 and #7434
    • Added support for loading models and 3D tilesets with WebP images using the EXT_texture_webp glTF extension. #7486
    • ➕ Added support for rhumb lines to polygon and polyline geometries. #7492
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • Billboards with HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND are now clamped to both terrain and 3D Tiles. #7434
    • 0️⃣ The default classificationType for GroundPrimitive, CorridorGraphics, EllipseGraphics, PolygonGraphics and RectangleGraphics is now ClassificationType.BOTH. #7434
    • 🚚 The properties ModelAnimation.speedup and ModelAnimationCollection.speedup have been removed. Use ModelAnimation.multiplier and ModelAnimationCollection.multiplier respectively instead. #7494
    Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • Scene.clampToHeight now takes an optional width argument before the result argument. The previous function definition will no longer work in 1.56. #7287
    • PolylineGeometry.followSurface has been superceded by PolylineGeometry.arcType. The previous definition will no longer work in 1.57. Replace followSurface: false with arcType: Cesium.ArcType.NONE and followSurface: true with arcType: Cesium.ArcType.GEODESIC. #7492
    • SimplePolylineGeometry.followSurface has been superceded by SimplePolylineGeometry.arcType. The previous definition will no longer work in 1.57. Replace followSurface: false with arcType: Cesium.ArcType.NONE and followSurface: true with arcType: Cesium.ArcType.GEODESIC. #7492
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added support for textured ground entities (entities with unspecified height) and GroundPrimitives on 3D Tiles. #7434
    • ➕ Added support for polylines on 3D Tiles. #7437
    • ➕ Added classificationType property to PolylineGraphics and GroundPolylinePrimitive which specifies whether a polyline clamped to ground should be clamped to terrain, 3D Tiles, or both. #7437
    • ➕ Added the ability to specify the width of the intersection volume for Scene.sampleHeight, Scene.clampToHeight, Scene.sampleHeightMostDetailed, and Scene.clampToHeightMostDetailed. #7287
    • ➕ Added a new Sandcastle example on using nodeTransformations to rotate a model's wheels based on its velocity. #7361
    • ➕ Added a new Sandcastle example for drawing polylines on 3D Tiles #7522
    • ➕ Added EllipsoidRhumbLine class as a rhumb line counterpart to EllipsoidGeodesic. #7484
    • ➕ Added rhumb line support to PolygonGeometry, PolygonOutlineGeometry, PolylineGeometry, GroundPolylineGeometry, and SimplePolylineGeometry. #7492
    • 🐎 When using Cesium in Node.js, we now use the combined and minified version for improved performance unless NODE_ENV is specifically set to development.
    • 👌 Improved the performance of QuantizedMeshTerrainData.interpolateHeight. #7508
    • Added support for glTF models with WebP textures using the EXT_texture_webp extension. #7486
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed 3D Tiles performance regression. #7482
    • Fixed an issue where classification primitives with the CESIUM_3D_TILE classification type would render on terrain. #7422
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where 3D Tiles would show through the globe. #7422
    • 🛠 Fixed crash when entity geometry show value is an interval that only covered part of the entity availability range #7458
    • 🛠 Fix rectangle positions at the north and south poles. #7451
    • 🛠 Fixed image size issue when using multiple particle systems. #7412
    • 🛠 Fixed Sandcastle's "Open in New Window" button not displaying imagery due to blob URI limitations. #7250
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where setting scene.globe.cartographicLimitRectangle to undefined would cause a crash. #7477
    • 🛠 Fixed PrimitiveCollection.removeAll to no longer contain removed primitives. #7491
    • 🛠 Fixed GeoJsonDataSource to use polygons and polylines that use rhumb lines. #7492
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where some ground polygons would be cut off along circles of latitude. #7507
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue that would cause IE 11 to crash when enabling image-based lighting. #7485
  • v1.53 Changes

    January 02, 2019
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added image-based lighting for PBR models and 3D Tiles. #7172
      • Scene.specularEnvironmentMaps is a url to a KTX file that contains the specular environment map and convoluted mipmaps for image-based lighting of all PBR models in the scene.
      • Scene.sphericalHarmonicCoefficients is an array of 9 Cartesian3 spherical harmonics coefficients for the diffuse irradiance of all PBR models in the scene.
      • The specularEnvironmentMaps and sphericalHarmonicCoefficients properties of Model and Cesium3DTileset can be used to override the values from the scene for specific models and tilesets.
      • The luminanceAtZenith property of Model and Cesium3DTileset adjusts the luminance of the procedural image-based lighting.
    • Double click away from an entity to un-track it #7285
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed 3D Tiles visibility checking when running multiple passes within the same frame. #7289
    • 🛠 Fixed contrast on imagery layers. #7382
    • 🛠 Fixed rendering transparent background color when highDynamicRange is enabled. #7427
    • 🛠 Fixed translucent geometry when highDynamicRange is toggled. #7451
  • v1.52 Changes

    December 03, 2018
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • TerrainProviders that implement availability must now also implement the loadTileDataAvailability method.
    Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • 🚚 The property ModelAnimation.speedup has been deprecated and renamed to ModelAnimation.multiplier. speedup will be removed in version 1.54. #7393
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added functions to get the most detailed height of 3D Tiles on-screen or off-screen. #7115
      • Added Scene.sampleHeightMostDetailed, an asynchronous version of Scene.sampleHeight that uses the maximum level of detail for 3D Tiles.
      • Added Scene.clampToHeightMostDetailed, an asynchronous version of Scene.clampToHeight that uses the maximum level of detail for 3D Tiles.
    • ➕ Added support for high dynamic range rendering. It is enabled by default when supported, but can be disabled with Scene.highDynamicRange. #7017
    • ➕ Added Scene.invertClassificationSupported for checking if invert classification is supported.
    • ➕ Added computeLineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection to Intersections2D. #7228
    • ➕ Added ability to load availability progressively from a quantized mesh extension instead of upfront. This will speed up load time and reduce memory usage. #7196
    • ➕ Added the ability to apply styles to 3D Tilesets that don't contain features. #7255
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed issue causing polyline to look wavy depending on the position of the camera #7209
    • 🛠 Fixed translucency issues for dynamic geometry entities. #7364