

Visit the library website for more information: http://raphaeljs.com http://dmitrybaranovskiy.github.io/raphael/

Code Quality Rank: L1
Monthly Downloads: 0
Programming language: JavaScript
License: MIT License
Tags: Data Visualization     D3     SVG     JavaScript     Vml    
Latest version: v2.3.0

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Raphaël: Cross-browser vector graphics the easy way

Visit the library website for more information: http://raphaeljs.com https://dmitrybaranovskiy.github.io/raphael/

Quickstart guide

You need to have NPM installed to build the library.

  • git clone https://github.com/DmitryBaranovskiy/raphael.git
  • yarn install --frozen-lockfile
  • yarn build-all

To run tests you need to run npx bower install open dev/test/index.html in your browser, there's no automated way right now.



All files are UMD compliant.

You can use:

  • raphael.min.js (includes eve and it's minified)
  • raphael.js (includes eve and it's not minified)
  • raphael.no-deps.js (doesn't include eve it's not minified)
  • raphael.no-deps.min.js (doesn't include eve it's minified)

Where to start

Check Raphael-boilerplate to see examples of loading.

Raphael can be loaded in a script tag or with AMD:

define([ "path/to/raphael" ], function( Raphael ) {
  console.log( Raphael );


Versions will be released as we gather and test new PRs. As there are a lot of browsers being supported it might take a while to accept a PR, we will use the feedback from other users too.

You can use the raphaelTest.html to try things, you need to start a server in the root dir to start testing things there. Something like running python -m SimpleHTTPServer in the raphael directory and hitting http://localhost:8000/dev/raphaelTest.html with the browser. You should run npm run start before this can work.


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Copyright and license

Copyright © 2008-2013 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://dmitrybaranovskiy.github.io/raphael/)

Copyright © 2008-2013 Sencha Labs (http://sencha.com)

Licensed under the MIT (http://dmitrybaranovskiy.github.io/raphael/license.html) license.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the raphael README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.